Kunstausstellung “HERZLAND.SCHAFT”https://fb.me/e/88ZoTec4t30 years ago the Soviet Union collapsed, …

Kunstausstellung “HERZLAND.SCHAFT”


30 years ago the Soviet Union collapsed, the Iron Curtain fell and the Cold War between the East and the West seemed to be over. It looked like the people took power in their hands… But now we see Russia and Belarus drifting back into the totalitarian dictatorship. The police and the army dominate both states and the human rights are being replaced by the militarist slogans.

What is going on in the heads of the ordinary people there?
Artists who lived in Russia and Belarus and witnessed the degradation of the democracy from the closest distance came to Darmstadt to give you an insight in the mentality of the post-Soviet people.
Some of them were subjected to political repressions, some worked as international journalists, dealing with constant opposition from the authorities.
It is not a testimony, it is a cultural study made with the means of art.